Cross Deep Surgery

4 Cross Deep, Twickenham, TW1 4QP

Telephone: 020 8892 8124

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Patient Transport Services

Patient Transport

Below are a list of hospitals and contact numbers for patient transport requests

West Middlesex Hospital Transport

Patients need to call booking office on 020 8321 5601 to enquire if a booking has been made if it hasn’t they will be transferred to clinical area for that appointment for an assessment to take place.


Kingston Hospital & Teddington Memorial Hospital

Patients need to call the Patient Transport Assessment Line on 020 8934 6770 to have an assessment, if their appointment is the next day and they cannot get through on the phone they can email they need to include their telephone number so they can get a call back.


Chelsea and Westminster

Patients need to call booking office on 020 3315 6666 to enquire if a booking has been made if it hasn’t they will be transferred to clinical area for that appointment for an assessment to take place.


Nuffield Parkside Hospital

Patients need to call 0300 123 6200 to enquire about transport


St Georges & Queen Marys

Patients will need to call 020 8725 0808 for an assessment


Charing Cross & Queen Charlottes

Patient will need to call 033 0678 1245 for an assessment


Royal Brompton Hospital

1st Transport request needs to be done by GP, if the patient has use the service in last 6 months they can call 020 7351 8012


Ashford and St Peter’s

1st Transport request needs to be done by GP, for follow-ups the consultant or booking office will book



If you are not deemed eligable for patient transport you can try one of the below services




Telephone: 0343 222 7777



Richmond Taxicard Service
