Travel Vaccinations

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** Please note that for patients not registered at Cross Deep Surgery we are only able to offer Yellow Fever Vaccination **

If you would like to use our travel vaccination service, please select the link below and complete the Travel Vaccination request form. This should be completed and sent to us using the form at the bottom of this page alternatively this can be dropped into the surgery. We can then review your form book you an appointment.

NB: Please request your vaccinations as soon as you have booked your travel arrangements. Some vaccinations must be given 2 weeks prior to travel in order for them to be effective so we ask that you complete the travel request form at least 6 weeks prior to your travels. This is to ensure that you are protected.

Please make sure you provide full information of all travel destinations on the Travel Vaccination Request Form.

Please Note: Some vaccinations must be given 2 weeks prior to travel in order for them to be effective so we ask that you complete the travel request form at least 6 weeks prior to your travels. This is to ensure that you are protected.

Some travel vaccinations are not provided as part of NHS services and you may be required to pay directly for the cost of some vaccines.

Travellers can also visit for information on vaccinations.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below:

 Europe & Russia  North America
 Central America  South America
 Caribbean  Africa
 Middle East  Central Asia
 East Asia  Australasia and Pacific






Travelling in Europe

If you are travelling to Europe the EU has published useful information for travelers on the European website.

Upload Travel Vaccine form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 128 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.